Can my small business use CYBRALL?
CYBRALL has been designed to provide ALL Cyber Security needs for ALL Business of any size, including self employed, Micro Business and Small Business.
How does CYBRALL work?
CYBRALL is ALL you need for Cyber Security and Compliancy. CYBRALL Framework enables ALL businesses access to corporate level technologies, Policies, Staff Awareness, Monitoring and Experienced Cyber Security Professional’s ALL for an affordable cost per user.
What do you get with CYBRALL?
CYBRALL provides it ALL for your business. We take care of your People, Policies and Devices. Endpoint Protection with Patching and layers of Anti Malware and Anti Ransomeware, Staff Awareness Portal and 24/7 SOC Monitoring. ALL fully audited to keep ALL businesses secure and remaining compliant.
Do you offer different service levels?
We try to simplify what is quite a complex environment and take care of ALL the risks of your businesses Cyber Threats. With that, we only offer One Level of service. CYBRALL take care of ALL your Cyber Security.
How do we get started?
The onboarding process is simple and managed by CYBRALL. We work through the gaps and implement the necessary changes to provide ALL the CyberEssential(tm) Controls and more.
Can you guarantee I won’t have any problems when I use your services?
We go beyond CyberEssential controls to provide All you need to be fully protected from Cyber Crime. Unfortunately, cyber criminals are constantly adapting their attacks and no business or user is ever completely safe. It makes it impossible to guarantee you will never experience a problem again. Using CYBRALL makes it far less likely that you will experience a problem. So, we can’t guarantee that you won’t be breached, we do guarantee that we can respond in real time and help you to identify and remediate any problems.
What do you if there is a problem?
It depends on the problem. Our technologies, including out 24/7 SOC monitoring not only reduces the risk but provides early warning on any attempts. If you do suffer an unrecognised successful login or other type of breach, we will respond quickly to limit damage, and support you through the process to back to business as usual.
Can I cancel CYBRALL?
Why would you? We hope you’ll be sleeping better at night knowing you are doing everything you can to secure your business. We haven’t lost any clients to date. If though after the first 12 months, you are free to cancel at any time.